Product information
A very stable glider, easy to build, especially since the parts are all laser pre-cut.
This glider has been developed from the Rookie Major which inevitably means that it has no nasty vices to jump out and bite you.
We called it the DB A Train as it is effectively an Aileron version of the Rookie Major and is very well suited as the next step from rudder/elevator control, on to Aileron training.
First flights were nothing short of impressive regarding the flying stability and response to the controls.
We have test flown this aircraft very successfully in wind speeds from 5mph up to 25mph on the slope, .it will perform a few simple aerobatics as would be expected from a trainer.
Accessories Available (Scroll down for links to the accessories)
DecalsTechnical Data:
2058mm (81") spanFlying weight up to 1.7 Kg (33/4pounds)
Wing 'G' test = 5+
The latest picture of a patriotic Atrain is the very fine work of Jamie Ham